Redfin quotes Avi on Micro-Apartment trends

Check out the recent Redfin article I was featured in!
Micro Apartments: Are These Small Living Spaces Right For You?
Here is my quote:
“Your housing needs vary at different stages of your life,” says Avi Kaufman, Co-founder of Accent Realty. “Perhaps you don’t host large dinners, and you bike or use public transportation to get around. Choosing affordable housing in livelier neighborhoods while reducing your environmental impact is a win-win.” Anybody who values convenience and proximity to their job or school is an excellent fit for a micro-apartment.
While many people recognize the benefit of ownership and building equity, your housing needs vary at different stages of your life. Perhaps you don’t host large dinners and you bike or use public transportation to get around, so why pay for a dining room you won’t use and a parking space that will sit empty? Or perhaps that large single family that made sense when you were raising kids is now too much space to maintain. There are a diversity of options to explore, including Micro Apartments in residential buildings and Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU’s) in a backyard, but what they generally have in common is they create a win-win situation including: more affordable housing, livelier neighborhoods, reduced environmental impact, and space for both young adults and elderly to join or remain integral parts of our communities.
By the way, check out my reviews on Redfin, and please share my name with your friends who would like to buy or sell a home.
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AVI KAUFMAN is a top broker who lives in Brookline, Massachusetts and works there and surrounding communities, assisting buyers and sellers of residential property. He is building a unique practice dedicated to serving the best interest of his clients - see how he's different.